Innovation Center
The Innovation Center is a fresh take on exhibition hall space. During the annual conference, business council partners showcase the next and best innovations in technology, public safety, cybersecurity, environmental justice, and more! AAMA provides you with an excellent opportunity to market the products and services available through your company or organization.
Main stage panels and speaking opportunities during meal functions are reserved for the top level sponsors. However, this year we have options for mini presentations/workshops in the Innovation Center. We also have tables available for you to share products, resources, and services.
Expo Room Opportunities
(Business Council Members Only)
Our Innovation center Expo Rooms are AAMA premier space to host a fireside chat, panel, or a presentation type of your choosing. These 45 minute sessions are limited to AAMA Business Council Members only. The glass rooms provide attendees the opportunity to engage in engaging and innovative experiences that are designed by you and your team.
Fireside Chat/Panel or format of your choosing
$5,000 - 45 minutes
Table Opportunities
(Business Council Members and Federal Agencies Only)
The Innovation Center is a prime space for Corporate Business Council members and Federal Agencies to engage with conference attendees to share products, resources, services and make connections. Innovation Center Hours are non-compete with any programming during the conference, so you'll be sure to have the attention of all who are interested. Office Hours for Federal Agencies will take place during the Innovation Center Hours. Take advantage of our free 6-foot tables or let us know how much space you need to bring in your own exposition booth.
Expo Guidlines & Requirments
Innovation Center Table and Expo Room Guidelines Overview
Each exhibitor fee includes registration for one (1) individual. This registration is valid for access to the Innovation Center area only. For additional access and additional organizational/corporate representatives, the corresponding individual registration fee must be paid. Contact AAMA staff for more information.
Exhibit fee must be paid IN FULL during online registration, and before making hotel reservations through the AAMA Conference room block. AAMA staff reserves the right to refuse exhibit space to any firm or organization if, in our opinion, it is not in the best interests of the conference, the Association or its membership.
Table Placement in the Innovation Center will be ordered by business sector and policy emphasis. Like organizations and companies will be placed in the same general area to promote awareness of specific policy areas.
Presenting $150,000 +10 Comp Registrations Full-Page Ad (premium placement) 60 Second Company Promotional Ad CEO Greetings
Pacesetter $100,0005 Comp Registrations Full-Page Ad 60 Second Company Promotional Ad CEO Greetings
Emerald $75,0003 Comp Registrations Full-Page Ad 60 Second Company Promotional Ad CEO Greetings
Diamond $50,0003 Comp Registrations Full-Page Ad
Jewel $30,0002 Comp Registrations Half-Page Ad
Platinum $25,0002 Comp Registrations Half-Page Ad
Gold $20,0002 Comp Registrations Half-Page Ad
Silver $15,0001 Comp Registration Half-Page Ad